Which style of age regression do you prefer?
98 votes
Naturalistic AR - Character puts on babyfat, clothes fall off, hair receeds, ect
Idealistic AR - Characters stay kinda slender, clothes fall off, hair stays near the same, ect
Realistic AR - Near same as Naturalistic but characters don't look quite as visually appealing such as being near bald, squalling, possibly soiled self, ect
Moralistic AR - Characters clothes change as they change, personality and mind goes with them, doesn't do embarrasing things with the character usually, ect
Other (Please comment)

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Hourglass-of-Youth's avatar
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yellowdiaper's avatar
Character staus the same in the very beginning only thing changes is their underwear into anew adult diaper. As theor diaper changes from that to goodnites, then pull ups to baby diaper. Stays same age but mentally becomes a baby.